The Bucknell University Mechanics and Modeling of Orthopaedic Tissues Laboratory mission is to foster individual personal and professional growth through an interdisciplinary, inclusive, and group-oriented culture that performs rigorous, student-led biomechanics research.
More information about the lab:
We are very grateful for funding to support our work provided by the National Science Foundation and the Bucknell-Geisinger Research Initiative.
The MMOT lab has three main research areas:
Mechanics of biological soft tissues. We combine multi-axial materials testing, imaging, and computational modeling to develop and explore structure-function mechanisms of skeletal muscle and other soft tissues.
Musculoskeletal biomechanics, motion analysis, and neuromuscular biomechanics. We use motion analysis techniques and computational modeling to investigate the interactions between human dynamics, muscle activity patterns, and clinical factors such as joint pain and function.
Mechanics of bighorn sheep skull and horns. We use finite element analysis to determine how the skull and horns of bighorn sheep may act to mitigate brain cavity accelerations and dissipate energy from impacts.