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1D Finite Element Code

Here is an example of MATLAB code that was developed for 1D conduction heat transfer problems. This code was developed for MECH 302 – Finite Element Analysis at Bucknell. Specifics of this code include the following:

  • User inputs for:
    • Geometry, conduction coefficient, and mesh density
    • Distributed internal heat generation as a function of location
    • Essential, natural, and mixed boundary conditions
  • Quadratic 1D elements
  • A Gaussian Quadrature MATLAB function
  • A plot of temperature and the derivative of temperature as a function of location
  • The value of the maximum nodal temperature
  • The temperature value of a specific location as specified by the user
  • Boundary heat flux

The code is not published online because it’s an assignment for the course, but please feel free to email me ( and I would be happy to share.


Here is an example of the code at work:

Input domain length in [m]: 8
Input number of elements: 8
Input conduction coefficient k in [W/m-C]: 200
Input initial area [m^2]: 0.1
Input final area [m^2]: 0.5
Input distributed internal heat generation [W/m^3] as a function of x: 10*x
Specify boundary conditions as follows: 1 - known temperature, 2 - known flux, 3 - convection.
Specify left boundary condition type: 3
Specify left convection coefficient in [W/m^2-C]: 50
Specify left fluid temperature in [deg C]: 10
Specify right boundary condition type: 2
Specify right flux in [W]: 0
The maximum temperature is 46.26 [deg C].
The maximum temperature location is 8 [m].
Specify location of desired approximation in [m]: 7.5
The temperature at x = 7.5 [m] is 46.13 [deg C].
Heat flux at left boundary is -210.4 [W].
Heat flux at right boundary is 0 [W].

Published in Teaching